Monday, January 24, 2011

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Gemmotherapy, buds that are worth gold

The Gemmotherapy , as its name suggests maybe not, is a therapy based on the "buds". This is not entirely a coincidence-that the term "Gemmo" (from which the word gem) replaced by the Latin " burrio ," meaning that small growth trees snapping at the dawn of spring before turning into flowers and fruits, as the substance extracted from the buds would be known since the Middle Ages to contain n u alchemical principle earning him the analogy with the stones.

Thus, one could find at that time, the use of certain buds such as pine or poplar, used in the manufacture of other remedies: ointments, salves, syrups ...
Only towards the middle of last century, thanks to further advances that the experimental Professor Henry expand its research on a number of varieties of buds and shoots, using embryonic tissues in plants growth, giving rise to the gemmotherapy . These extracts, we find ourselves today as glycerol macerate: simple to use, they are probably among those food supplements which offer a complete and extraordinarily effective.

Origins of buds
Gemmotherapy derives its name from the Latin word "gemmae " which refers to both: the precious stone, bud, resin, but also salt. The word "germ" comes from the same root. The bud is a bit like the seed (from the same root), which contains the properties for future flower or plant. But even more than the properties, the bud has in it the entire genetic information of these, a virtually complete, which distinguishes it from other remedies from other plant parts (leaves, stems, petals, for example) that do contain a part. In addition, the bud catalyzes all the other ingredients of the plant such trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and part of the sap mineral (remember that this is the rise of sap trees and rocks the hatch buds!). Thus, this young tissue of the plant contains properties concentrated and therefore more powerful herbal speaking, than the mature plant, having a well-known action on:
the reticuloendothelial system - the system of elimination
other hand, the bud this feature to combine the effects of plants. For example, basswood, which we know the sedative effect of the flowers, and just join the draining effect of the sapwood (bark).

Gemmotherapy, a treasure for today

We find extracts of buds as glycerine macerate. But as for essential oils, or Bach flower, we know there is not enough that is written on the bottle "from bud" so that we might have a remedy of great value! Again, the organic label offers us probably what is best. On the other hand, some brands have begun to offer complex, involving several extracts of buds, or combining them with vegetable saps (the birch sap has , for example). For gemmotherapy is particularly conducive to the synergistic action. Some extracts, such as extract of blackcurrant buds, would act as a catalyst for other extracts or remedies ...
Finally, as pointed Philippe Andrianne in his excellent book, The has Gemmotherapy, medicine buds, one of the most successful ways of using the buds would be the domain "psycho-emotional." During my
own training in Chinese medicine, studying the ways of treatment of the Five Elements, I learned early the value of gemmotherapy. "There is no disease without underlying depression , even a cold !", Loved to repeat myself and my master teacher Jean Claude Sergeant. Thus, in particular among women, where very often the whole endocrine system is involved, and where any imbalance affects your mental state, emotional and physical, with a disturbance cycles (sleep, hormonal ...), the alliance of some extracts of buds, such as Ficus (great regulator Yin), the Linden, or the Almond, allowed to obtain such rapid and profound effects in the regulation disorders.

Two buds essential to know

The currant, ribes negrum
extract of blackcurrant buds is a must gemmotherapy. Known since the Middle Ages, Hildegard of Bingen said he is an excellent adjuvant can enhance all other remedies that he says. It was used then as a remedy against gout: the "marrow" of cassis allowed to give "a facelift "to the arteries. Its properties are many. Blackcurrant acts both on the general metabolism, endocrine, renal (including adrenals), nervous, sanguine, as digestive, respiratory and arthritis. It relieves a countless evils including blood and circulation: edema, migraines, various inflammations, skin problems, allergies, chronic fatigue ...

birch, Betula alba

Known to the Celts, the birch tree was widely used since ancient times. Its sap was considered as an elixir of life, and was used as a remedy since the Middle Ages (we find traces of its use as a poultice from the always brilliant Hildegarde!). Rich in minerals, it also has properties draining, detoxifying and remineralizing.
In gemmotherapy, we use the male flowers of downy birch (kittens that are harvested before opening), and buds of white b ouleau, Betula alba . The former have a more specific endocrine stimulant general, including humans, while the latter have a therapeutic action specifically states chronic inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, rheumatoid, and tissue degeneration: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. Associated with blackcurrant extract, birch, or birch sap accentuates its draining effect on the body.
This is a particularly interesting solution to the change of season, especially with the arrival of spring, and the entry in the item "Wood" because the two substances work synergistically to rebalance, by drainage, systems manager bones and joints.

Where and in what form to find extracts of buds

There is still little known manufacturers in gemmotherapy, however, thanks to the internet to relay stores and organic food supplements, it is now very easy to get them. This extract form simple complexes involving several extracts, or (better), extracts of buds associated with birch sap. Simple to use - a few drops on an empty stomach or between meals - they can be alone a comprehensive basis.

This article was largely inspired by the work of Philip Andrianne, The Gemmotherapy, Medical buds, which I recommend for an entry in because this book contains the essentials, and lets you fully acquainted with all the extracts of buds available, fully documented through case studies. It also offers the association in complex extracts to target a specific system.


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