Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vip Bags Lock Breaking

FBI Vows 2011: Stuxnet Chinese?

diligently in order to sacrifice sacrosanct Greeting the New Year I wish you a year full of successes, filled with a total happiness and accompanied by an iron.

Always so quick and quite well informed, Dominique Bourra site NanoJV , fell on December 31 that the latest information on Stuxnet seemed to have passed completely unnoticed in France at least (a phenomenon caused by many bellies met and brain mode off?:)

Anyway, an article by Jeffrey Carr published Dec. 14 on the Forbes website's establish an initial connection with Finland where the company is making Vacon Suzhou (China En. ..) frequency converters targeted by Stuxnet! In addition, one of two digital certificates (for secure authentication of a connection) and has served in one of the initial phases of the attack is a certificate Realtek, world famous manufacturer based in Taiwan. Finally, the Iranian centrifuges would be a model of Chinese origin.

All this begins to do much about but the stands. I suspect that Stuxnet not finished talking to him in 2011 but I also recall that the global fight cyber engaged for years now, and is beginning to become media is essentially the result of state entities whose research and capabilities are essentially an extreme discretion. A consequence, it seems the cancellation conference S4 (SCADA Security Scientific Symposium ) to be held this month in Miami.


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