Friday, December 10, 2010

Business Math Annuity

2011, Stuxnet, diverted Internet: business as usual ...!

It is worth recalling how the internet is coming period and will also be a source of profit (very) important for some players security. It's the thought that I made, smile, after reading this article of Infosecurity Magazine .

By being attentive, you could almost confuse this with "good old" infomercial that uses some jurisdictions specific hoaxes : Speaker apparently serious credibility of his assertions, the legitimacy Using figures respectable, in short, the ad cost and high return on investment with filigree fear, feeling generally more irrational the seller and some poultry gutted to read in the entrails!

Then decrypt whole article: it begins by evoking strong Stuxnet and misuse of the Internet in April 2010 by China (see my previous posts on all these topics) announces that the trend in 2011: diversion of Internet traffic and sophisticated attacks. Until then, why not, even if the concept is far from revolutionary.

Second, these assertions do not come from anyone since we are told that this is Rodney Joffe, senior VP (Vice President) and technology (like, in passing, I learned that it is the new job:) society ... but I'll get to the end of this post.

Sprinkling keywords such as Wikileaks and evocation of cyber conflict of 2007 between Russia and Estonia (! - FYI, I recall that the attacks took place from the Estonian territory, will not change the possible overlap of the Russian side) and we enter the heart of the matter: the targets and indicators.

Targets would be primarily financial systems, particularly the ATMs. Beyond the large enterprises, midsize companies are also covered through their physical infrastructure: air conditioning, heating, lift. In short, a happy mess which would almost pass Die Hard 4 for a trifle!

I stopped there in the irony because I do not know if Mr. Joffe is the hidden son of Mrs. Sun and Elizabeth Teissier but at least I know that his company has the skills and resources to meet above-mentioned problems. And he himself is known as a white wolf communication and marketing intrusive : QED! :)


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