Thursday, June 25, 2009

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Hibiscus, nectar of paradise

L 'Hibiscus , this beautiful red carnation flower, ornament of women, offering to the gods for millennia quenches its subtle and refreshing nectar populations hottest areas of the globe ... It comes from a variety Subtropical which there are tens of thousands of different flowers. Two of them are used for their virtues, including early civilizations that inhabited Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia. The first is the " Roselle (Rosa sinensis ) - a red carnation flower pistil and orange - and the" Bissap (Hibiscus Sabdariffa ) found mainly in Africa the west (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mali ...) whose flowers are narrower and collected.

The Roselle has astringent and sweet, with a refreshing and soothing effect on the body . The second, also known as Sorrel of Guinea "because of its acidity, gave his name to a much-used and popular beverage: the Bissap, a syrupy brew of nature, color blood, consumed fresh in the Sahelian countries, the Muslims also call " Karkade , and whose use dates back to ancient Egypt ... Refreshing, relaxes and soothes the hibiscus body (he is known for to reduce tension), while healing. Because its petals are exceptionally rich in vitamin C and vitamin A , which helps maintain our overall balance, as the tone of our organization! For these reasons, it would support the formation of blood, would protect the circulatory system, heart, having a particularly beneficial effect on hypertension. It would have a nourishing and protective of all tissues including the skin (thanks to its antioxidants). For this reason, the hibiscus is also used as poultices for skin care, especially in Polynesia where it is used in case irritation, itching, rash. Because of its high concentration of mucilage, the hair would give exceptional flexibility, and increase the shoot.


In the Ayurvedic tradition, we consider that the hibiscus is related to the functioning of the lower body, and contributes to balance of urinary and genital systems. particular among women. In this perspective, it is often associated with pink flower that other symbol of femininity and ally! Hibiscus is useful in cases of difficult periods, painful, abundant. Calming, it is recommended for all types of cramps, spasms, they are nervous, muscular or digestive.

Gombos (or Okra )

Finally, remember that the hibiscus (variety with yellow petals) is virtuous fruit! They form small bright green vegetables, like peppers miniature octagonal design, called Gombos or Okra (South Asia) used in the preparation of many dishes, subtropical and contain too surprising virtues ...

infusion of hibiscus or Bissap

Count Hibiscus 20g for 1 liter of water

Porter 's water to a boil. Boil the flowers of Hibiscus, and steep the mixture in a teapot for at least an hour. You can add, with the flowers, mint leaves and / or cardamom pods.
Strain the mixture. Sweeten to your convenience complete with sugar, or better, full of sugar (more rich in minerals!).

Article produced for the Newsletter of the Parisienne, July 2009

Flickr photo credit Makropoulos, motleyprincess, flunflowers, bruno.


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