Thursday, June 25, 2009

Polyps On The Bladder

internship traditional Ayurvedic massage in July

Since the first hours of life in old age, massage is an integral part of daily life in India. Also necessary to balance our food is essential to our survival, massage helps release tension, helps eliminate toxins through the activation of the circulation, tissue tone, and helps prevent the effects of time. Abhyanga Ayurvedic massage (full body massage) is based on a careful consideration of the person adapts to the type of touch, rhythm and the media (oils).

It is this tradition that I invite you to discover through this stage discovery comprising:
- an introduction to Ayurveda
- uses and benefits of ayurvedic massage
his technique - the use of oils

Location: 10 rue de la Loge, Montpellier
Dates: 25 and 26 July 2009
Seating limited to 6 people
Cost per participant: 125 EUR

Contact: 86 June 1963 99 14

How To Watch Free Bang Bros

Hibiscus, nectar of paradise

L 'Hibiscus , this beautiful red carnation flower, ornament of women, offering to the gods for millennia quenches its subtle and refreshing nectar populations hottest areas of the globe ... It comes from a variety Subtropical which there are tens of thousands of different flowers. Two of them are used for their virtues, including early civilizations that inhabited Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia. The first is the " Roselle (Rosa sinensis ) - a red carnation flower pistil and orange - and the" Bissap (Hibiscus Sabdariffa ) found mainly in Africa the west (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mali ...) whose flowers are narrower and collected.

The Roselle has astringent and sweet, with a refreshing and soothing effect on the body . The second, also known as Sorrel of Guinea "because of its acidity, gave his name to a much-used and popular beverage: the Bissap, a syrupy brew of nature, color blood, consumed fresh in the Sahelian countries, the Muslims also call " Karkade , and whose use dates back to ancient Egypt ... Refreshing, relaxes and soothes the hibiscus body (he is known for to reduce tension), while healing. Because its petals are exceptionally rich in vitamin C and vitamin A , which helps maintain our overall balance, as the tone of our organization! For these reasons, it would support the formation of blood, would protect the circulatory system, heart, having a particularly beneficial effect on hypertension. It would have a nourishing and protective of all tissues including the skin (thanks to its antioxidants). For this reason, the hibiscus is also used as poultices for skin care, especially in Polynesia where it is used in case irritation, itching, rash. Because of its high concentration of mucilage, the hair would give exceptional flexibility, and increase the shoot.


In the Ayurvedic tradition, we consider that the hibiscus is related to the functioning of the lower body, and contributes to balance of urinary and genital systems. particular among women. In this perspective, it is often associated with pink flower that other symbol of femininity and ally! Hibiscus is useful in cases of difficult periods, painful, abundant. Calming, it is recommended for all types of cramps, spasms, they are nervous, muscular or digestive.

Gombos (or Okra )

Finally, remember that the hibiscus (variety with yellow petals) is virtuous fruit! They form small bright green vegetables, like peppers miniature octagonal design, called Gombos or Okra (South Asia) used in the preparation of many dishes, subtropical and contain too surprising virtues ...

infusion of hibiscus or Bissap

Count Hibiscus 20g for 1 liter of water

Porter 's water to a boil. Boil the flowers of Hibiscus, and steep the mixture in a teapot for at least an hour. You can add, with the flowers, mint leaves and / or cardamom pods.
Strain the mixture. Sweeten to your convenience complete with sugar, or better, full of sugar (more rich in minerals!).

Article produced for the Newsletter of the Parisienne, July 2009

Flickr photo credit Makropoulos, motleyprincess, flunflowers, bruno.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Which Actress Has The Biggest Boobs

Aloe Vera, or eternal youth

E xtract plant Aloe Bardanensis , which, like other plant species growing in arid areas, such as cactuses, the Aloe Vera is a plant that has concentrated in the water it retains in its broad, long leaves and dense, concentrated all the properties of the soil that he was born, like the sun that has helped its growth. Belonging to the lily family, like other plants with known healing effects, such as garlic or onion, the aloe was probably one of the plants among the earlier used and recognized for its healing properties. Queen Cleopatra herself would have used it for its beauty ...

For thousands of years, Ayurveda knowledge and use of this plant, especially in powder (the extract of fresh aloe vera can be kept easily in hot areas). Aloe is known as "Kumari " Sanskrit name meaning "virgin."
This plant has the virtue of first regenerate the female body like no other plant in nature. Aloe, used internally and externally, preserve the health of certain tissues such as skin, which preserves the hydration (and youth!), Blood, purifies it and, in the women, the reproductive tissues that are linked.

His bitter taste, slightly purgative, allows it to act as both depurative , and as a regulator of the metabolism of sugar and fat. Its action primarily target organs of liver and spleen, responsible for the renewal of blood. Its cooling effect on the body has a febrifuge action, anti-inflammatory and soothing. Thus, aloe vera has a smooth, gradual, but very effective for all skin problems. Taken internally or applied externally, its gel c alme irritation, itching, and prevents their appearance. Its juice is an exceptionally rich source of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, which bonus, contribute to a better absorption of all nutrients.
Finally, the aloe plant is one of the most beneficial in maintaining the balance of the female reproductive system from puberty to menopause. It is not only useful in regulating certain disorders cycles (including the MPS: the "premenstrual syndrome" involving different events such as water retention, pain, strokes of blues, before the arrival of menstruation) as in the prevention of diseases of the female reproductive tract such as fibroids.

Aloe vera is a constituent of many Ayurvedic remedies, but most often in the form of powder or aqueous extract, used as a coating agent to facilitate absorption thereof.

How to use?

- as juice or gel ( specified internal use), mixed with a little water at room temperature, or warm, to detoxify the body. Using it as "Anupana", that is to say by mixing with other plants, it is used in Ayurveda to target their action. For example, mixed with turmeric, aloe Vera would have a cleansing and toning the circulatory system.

- powder (hard to find in France), it serves laxatif.Utilisé at very high doses, it is used in India as a purgative.

- gel for external use, it can be applied on the sensitive, irritated skin. I personally use it as an after-sun and find it extraordinarily useful on summer evenings, when the skin has stored heat and that we need to refresh.

dose recommended by the Ayurvedic texts is 2 to 4 teaspoons of juice of fresh plant per dose. It up to 30 ml per day.

How to choose?

It is now easy to aloe vera, either in organic shops, pharmacy or drugstore. However, there are several qualities. The extraction method is critical, and must respect the delicate mucilage of the plant (watery substance secreted by aloe). On the other hand, the use of preservatives, even citric acid, damaging the properties of the plant. From experience: it is better to use a trademark short shelf life, but watching a manufacturing method conservation and you benefit from the optimum properties of the plant.

Do not you dare eat the aloe gel directly from the plant without knowing the extraction process. It secretes a yellowish substance in fact quite toxic (good enough to trigger colic ...) that must be removed first. Finally, for those who travel in India: avoid buying in Southern India, Aloe Vera home made (home prepared) without knowing your supplier (turista insured).

Flickr photo credit: urbnmedia, friendcuttack, gorgol.