Friday, August 6, 2010

How To Write Letter For Dealership

Have the hair

L e hair is probably one of the tissues that we speak over our deep balance.
Firstly because it is related to the health of one tissue with the longest repeat: bones. In Ayurveda, hair is considered, as well as nails, are produced from the formation of this bone . That is to say that growth, or renewal of bone is related to hair growth. Thus, we realize that taking care of our hair is to take care of our deep structure, this magnificent structure that we will or will not, old bones on earth. Density, as the luster of the hair talk - and taught us the story of Samson - beyond our apparent health, our strength, our resilience to shocks of existence . And what we learn from this famous passage is that this loss is temporary, because we are in constant tissue renewal. This is to say that these hair problems, which can sometimes take a turn hard, can find simple solutions, natural, and most importantly, sustainable.

Nourish the root

Taking care of hair is like caring for a tree: take care of the land on which will draw roots, from which will rise and the consolidation of the trunk, our skeleton. The foliage will grow from the same nutrients that are essentially calcium, magnesium, and zinc (the other vitamins and minerals involved in the synthesis of these). If the hair showed signs of weakness is that the contribution - or absorption - these minerals are insufficient . It is not always easy to know which of these minerals is lacking: we must then observe nails, which are made of the same material as the hair , but by their appearance, we reveal the nature of the deficiencies. The deficits in calcium and zinc result in white spots, those of magnesium by streaks. The irregular appearance, splitting, fragile (brittle nails), tend to come from their spouse deficit, combined with other substances such as cystine has, or silica. Iron deficiency, which results in anemia, can also generate large declines. Its deficiency is often associated with deficiencies in other vitamins, especially those of group B (B9 and B12) .

How alter our diet?

In general, food purveyors of vitamins and minerals listed, or, according to Ayurveda, where the chemical composition of foods is entirely contained and revealed in flavor, food flavor mainly soft (the most nutritious and Balancing the body) and astringent (because it acts on the walls of the colon, tones and improves the absorption of minerals forming the bone). These foods are dairy products, nuts (with sesame), fruits (figs for calcium, dates and raisins for iron in particular), legumes, vegetables (for iron) and those belonging to the crucifer.
However, it is important avoid or reduce their consumption of acidic foods, spicy and salty. Excess acidity, like excess heat in the body (increased by the spicy or salty), is harmful to the smooth formation of these deep tissues they "burn", or "dry out" . Therefore, anything that will correct the acidity, facilitate absorption, is beneficial to developing a balanced and solid tissue. Here are some ideas to help:

- the "cure" Ayurveda called basic Triphala (literally "three fruits" of which the precious Amalaki ) that contributes to the health of the digestive system, including the proper functioning of the liver and colon, which depend on the absorption of iron and calcium at bedtime or early each morning to a rate of 1 cc with a little hot water.
- the nettle juice, drained (flush uric acid) and remineralizing remedy known for many hair problems: falls, itchy scalp associated with dandruff, oily hair (see post)
- the fenugreek , major provider of minerals essential for bone growth (see post)
- the rosemary when hair problems related to a liver imbalance
- licorice or hibiscus, acting on them more about the systems of elimination (kidneys and bladder), and intensifies the growth in a sometimes quite dramatic

If we wanted to go further on this subject, we should really push the case-by-case basis to determine the root cause and can find the way forward: Heredity (including men), age, recent trauma, metabolic problems affecting the operation of liver and spleen (essential to the distribution of blood and energy, which will support the training of other tissues), deficiencies related to poor diet, or absorption ... After that, however, these tips are valid for everyone.

Cool heads

One of the main factors affecting the health of the hair is stress, and everything that goes with such shocks, physical or emotional. Translates it into the hair loses its density, falling, or by bleaching. To address these problems, it is important to "keep a cool head! Firstly, by avoiding direct contact with a heat source, whether from sun, hair dryer, or hot water accompanying our shampoos.
Then, taking care, whenever possible, especially in summer, to apply on the scalp of oils "refreshing" as coconut oil, neem, sandalwood . massage that accompanies it, known in India Shampa Shiro, who is to give a massage to the entire scalp by stimulating specific points in activating the cerebral spinal fluid circulation, as is done in a good shampoo ( Shiro d denotes the head and Shampa , reminding us that the English term has changed to "Shampoo").

Find hair dream ...

You've probably noticed, hair changes over time: hair soft and delicate child earn their tendency to say during adolescence, and tend to lose their density or their luster with age. On the other hand, women are particularly attentive and sensitive because their hair falls more certain periods of the cycle, or their lives (following the rules, pregnancies) and change with the hormonal changes of puberty, menopause, or related to the pill. Finally, at certain seasons of transition, as in spring, and more in the fall, hair are renewed, and sometimes fall in abundance.

How to keep hair healthy and vigorous? Here, from what I could "naturally" test, what caught my preference:

- avoid washing too frequently (ideally at least once a week)

- 2 to 12h before shampooing, apply a natural oil and contractor, depending on your hair type. Ayurvedic Oils agree well with brown hair, or similar to the hair of Indian women, or women of the Maghreb. But you can also use the coconut oil, jojoba oil, as well as mango butter. Castor oil works wonders to tame the forks without adding ...

- maximum use shampoos not containing any chemical additives (the most trusted brands found in health food stores)

- use as much as we can, mask, or even for washing, powder plant.
In India, it continues to find them: These powders are perfect substitute in the shampoo because they contain plant saponifaires that "lather" as well as your regular shampoo.

powders plants that have caught my membership in the Ayurvedic herbs are Shikakai (acacia root powder that cleanses the scalp, strengthens the roots, prevents falls, and sheath the hair) and Bringaraj, which has a specific action on the hair shaft, particularly the part that connects to the weakened scalp. They can be used in paste form, which allows for 1 to 2 h, as Henna is applied. Finally, the powder Amalaki remineralizes which the hair. There are Ayurvedic formulations involving these plants others that strengthen brown highlights (sorry for those who have light hair) are found in Indian stores or on the internet under the brand Hesh (mixture Kalpi Tone is one that is more complete, more than 20 plants). Similarly
products used by women of the Maghreb, as Henna (choose your next grade), the Indigo, or the Rasul, who remineralizes sheath and ideally naturally curly hair. Or, closer to home: the use of olive oil, combined with the egg, which gave an incomparable luster hanks to the Greeks and Romans.
If you find it too tedious to choose from, trademarks Logona, Lavera (including the pink line), Nature et Progrès, are among my favorites (provided they are suitable for your hair).

- do not forget the rinse water, to enhance the color or brightness of the hair. For brunettes, hibiscus, rosemary, or walnut leaves are ideal. For brown or blond hair, has the chamomile, hops if they are fine.

The Key to the fiber

Rule No. 1: avoid stress, overwork, prevent or protect against major shocks.
Rule No. 2: Increase the level of absorption, best way to prevent deficiencies.
Rule No. 3: Apply regular care oils, masks, or 100% natural
Rule No. 4: You occasionally offer a "cutting energy" technique to stimulate growth, slow or stop the fall when it is present, toning and densifying the hair

Rule No. 5: Refuse human hair extensions, they encourage a trade shame to lose your head!

Flickr Photo Credit D! p!, mixmegranola, streetcomer